Architecture, Compilers and Embedded Systems (ACES) Laboratory

Research @ ACES

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Below are links to current and recently funded projects associated with the ACES laboratory. Click on these links to obtain a short description and links to papers associated with an individual project.

NSF Enhancing the Effectiveness of Utilizing an Instruction Register File
NSF grant CNS-0615085
NSF SPARTA: Static Parametric Timing Analysis to Support Dynamic Decisions in Embedded Systems
NSF grant CCR-0312493
DOE Early Career Principal Investigator Award: Creating a new Generation of Software Development Environments, Compilers, and Algorithms for High Performance Computing, Networking, and Data Management
DOE grant DE-FG02-02ER25543
NSF Branch Elimination by Condition Merging
NSF grant CCR-0208892
NSF Improving Symbolic Analysis of Restructuring Compilers
NSF grant CCR-0105422
NSF Compiled Communication for Clusters of Workstations
NSF grant CCR-0073482
NSF A Comprehensive, Retargetable Embedded Systems Software Development Environment
NSF grant EIA-0072043
NSF Automatic Validation of Code-Improving Transformations and Related Applications
NSF grant CCR-9904943
NSF Experimental Evaluation of Scalable Optimization Techniques
NSF grant EIA-9806525
ONR Predicting Execution Time of Large Code Segments
ONR grant N00014-94-1-0006

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